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Goneko is a character created by Sybaycat in 2015.


He is a virtual singer who started performing in 2021 as an UTAU voicebank and moved to OpenUtau in 2022. 


It's now possible to check his various voicebanks through different plateforms (Goneko's House, YouTube, Twitter).

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Demon (?)

Hobby: Virtual Singer

Sybaycat owns this character. To use Goneko's image, you have to agree to the following characters guidlines.


It's prohibited to use, replicate, or to share copies of any his voicebanks for any purposes, unless you have Sybaycat's permission.

Terms and Conditions for use of the "Goneko" name and illustrations These terms and conditions govern the use of the "Goneko" name and illustrations. (1) You may use the name, illustration, and derivative works of the illustration free of charge without any notice if (I) it does not infringe or damage the character’s image and does not disparage or ridicule Sybaycat (II) it is not used in connection with any of the following: tobacco, alcohol, drugs (whether illicit or otherwise), firearms, pornography, political or social causes, and/or religious uses (lll) the use is limited to non-commercial use on websites, coterie markets, and the like. (2) You must apply for and received permission for commercial use or use by corporations or other organizations. Please contact Sybaycat first. Revised on 18 July 2023

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